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spoiler alert question for chapter 2 late game: 

how do i do the last code for the satellite im so confused i got all the others

add the numbers

Why am I unable to trigger Ralf's task in CH6

questions about chapter6 are answered only in the patreon channel of the discord server, since the chapter isnt released on itch yet.


Done with chapter 3. So far great time, a bit grindy but it's worth it. My only issue so far would be options being locked after this chapter. I wish I could just committ with one person but still see y'know those scenes with everyone else. I hate having to replay hours of gameplay to see a scene with some other guy.  I'll buy chapter 4 and its guide soon but that 20+ hours gameplay scares me a lot lol.

Hi, so I am having an issue. I recently got all of the game versions up to chapter 5 and was planning on playing through them but I keep getting stuck at chapter 1. Essentially the game goes to a black screen with only the menu icons, and when I click those, eventually it will bring me to that gray renpy "rollback" screen and when I click "rollback" it ultimately takes me back to the kitchen in the house. I've also noticed that there isn't any music in the game for this, and the intro thing with the thunder doesn't happen when loading up the game. The only thing I can think of that could be causing all this is when I try to open the chapter 2 release version of the game, it is the only one to give me an error message. I am honestly not sure what is going on lol.

hi, did you download the 5 chapters and merged them together?

are you playing the game on pc or mac? 

if you play just chapter 1 is it working fine for you?

I downloaded all 5 chapters, I don't know about merging them together though.

I'm playing on PC.

Chapter 1 works just fine, yes.

(1 edit)

you need to drag all the files from the chapter2 folder that you download (after unzipping ofc) into the chapter1 folder that you are currently playing from, and choose to replace all the files in the destination (important- drag the files from the chapter2 folder into the chapter1 folder, not the other way). 

then start the game from the chapter1 folder that now contains all the files from both chapters. in the starting menu, you are supposed to see that the game version is now 2.09, which means that the merging was fine. do the same process with the next chapters too.

in the download files of chapter1 in this page you can also download a pdf named "Ergi installation guide.pdf".  there are some screenshots for visual explanation. if you are still unsure, consider joining the discord server of the game, its easier and faster to ask there.

Hi, I saw that you have a common discord channel, but I couldn't find a valid link for it anywhere, could you please share it if that's so? Thank's in advance.


Found it after checking all the comments, not relevant. Cool game so far by the way, Onsruds are in my dead/to hate/kill list, especially Jorgen & Jostein, shame we can't decrease our relationships. Falsen's are much better, at least that looks for now, eager to see how it'll goes further. Be back with a more precise and usefull review once I'll finish the game.

(2 edits)

happy that you like the game :) and i will keep my beloved jorgen to myself :P

you will eventually focus on one guy, not all your relationships with the guys are romantic

first of all, congrats. Great game. I’m not familiar with discord and have a hard time finding your channel. Any help? Thanks

Hi im sorry if this is a stupid question but i cant seem to find where to buy chapter 1 on itch you have releases for the other chapters with public release after them but i dont see any chapter 1 and would appreciate guideness

chapter1 is the Ergi-0.1.87 that you see when you press on the "download now" on this page (Ergi 0.1.2 is only the prologue)


Honestly, I really loved the game in the beginning, but the extreme grind becomes rather annoying, especially when it becomes complicated and confusing due to heavy backtracking.

But even worse is that often resources simply disappear, the ones that you craft and also the ones that you buy.

I love crafting, but when it becomes grindy and buggy, it is a real turn-off.

The characters, story, world-building -- everything is great, thus makes it even sadder.

the game is much less focused on crafting after the first chapter, and chances to find complex items (chemicals for example) were added. 

items are removed if they are components for missions that you complete, if they are ingredients for something that you craft, if they are used in a combat and in the start of a new chapter. there are no known bugs that make your items just disappear. i recommend joining the discord server and write there what exactly happened in your game.

"the game is much less focused on crafting after the first chapter ..."

That's good to know. Again -- I like the game very much, otherwise I wouldn't care and simply move on.

I think the story can't develop properly when every tiny piece of dialogue is followed by 45 minutes of collecting and crafting (and yes, I visited every location each day in order to find characters to whom I could talk).

At the end of chapter 1, I'm surrounded by a dozen notepads, all of them covered with my tiny handwriting, just to be able to do the crafing. It's exhausing. I'd love to replay to explore Britt's feminine side, but the sheer thought of doing all that collecting and crafting again is enough to refrain from it.

About the bug I mentioned -- I remember at least one of them in detail:

For the birthday, I bought the cake first, but hadn't enough money for the bike, so I waited to earn enough to be able to buy the jam and the bike. When I saved enough for the 2 items, the cake had disappeared from my inventory and as far as I know, there's no crafting recipy that needs cake.

most of the crafts are the same in the next chapters, so you just get used to them. its hard to remember them in the first run of the first chapter. the Ch1 quick guide.pdf that is available for download with the chapter contains a table with the crafting recipes.  

i am not sure about the cake- i checked and there is no part of the code where it is removed in this chapter other than for this mission. usually its the beer that players notice which is used for both tyr's missions and erland's mission. in later chapters the missions dont show partial completion for having consumable items in your bag.

Hey i was wondering if its not to much to ask for a age breakdown of all the characters, at least the datable ones please, also is jorgen brits bio brother or like a big brother figure cause if the first that's a deal breaker on this game :/

(1 edit) (+1)

We dont get clear info about their ages, but the conscription age is typically at the age of 17-18 according to the needs of alfheimr. From the info in chapter1, Britt and Borge just turned 18. In the faction page of the main menu you can see how many years passed since each captain was conscripted. 

All the children are being sent to foster families as babies. Jorgen grew up in the same foster family as Britt. They are not related by blood.

Great game, so much potential


will the game be released for Android?


gahd, after failing so many times finally got to beat chapter 4, but i think i just lost my Jostein line, so many bad decisions, shouldve gone for the non-easy encounters for the loots... I continued with Anders'... what a beautiful game! on to chapter 5!

Do i have to pay for the chapters?

(unfortunately) Yes; as of now there is not a one purchase for all of them

if you are a backer on patreon with the vanir tier (25$), you can get all the current chapters and guides.

Do you plan to release it on Steam? The game is so good, and I hope I could have it in my count


happy to hear that you are having fun with the game :) the plan is to first complete and release all 9 chapters of the game on itch. announcements about future plans will come afterwards.

I hope everything turns out well, one of the best m/m games I've ever played

can't wait for chapter 7? any news on when?

it is still being worked on. there will be a post on patreon when its testing starts.

How to obtain Chapter 6 guide

chapter6 is currently only on patreon, so its complete guide is for Vanir backers only atm. when chapter7 will be released on patreon, chapter6 and its guide will be moved to be sold on itch.

if you are a backer on patreon atm, you can ask for help on chapter6's channel in the discord server. they will answer your questions about the chapter.

If I become Vanir backers, can I obtain complete guides for all chapters on Patron without paying any other fees?

yes, all the guides for the current 6 chapters will be available for you

Good Morning! Sorry for the random questions, but I am confused...  

I played the demo... which was a prolog? I really liked it and wanted to purchase the game.. 

I see each chapter is here to purchase, but isn't there just one price for the game? Or do I have to buy each chapter separately? If I buy the newest chapter does it include the previous chapters? I am guessing the game is still ongoing  and as new chapters come out I will have to buy them as well? 

Thank You for any help!~


Pretty sure you have to buy them separately....since it does say you need the previous chapter to play the next one after it...and honestly I'd say its pretty worth it...its a well made game atleast in my opinion

hi, chapter1 is for free atm (its the 0.1.87 version). you can download it and check it out in case that you played only the demo (version 0.1.2). the rest of the chapters are sold separately. 

also, if you become a Vanir backer on patreon (25$), you can download all the current chapters and their extended guides.

Some of the work or tasks and stuff started to feel like busy work at times, but i vibe with most of whats here

chapter 1 is focused on crafting, in the next chapters other mechanisms are added and the amount of crafting gets lower

Is there any wat to bypass chapter 1 ? I have played the same chapter over and over for 5-8 times now and it always is the most tedious chapter to get through. I love the story but want to experience later chapters also.

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just save the game in the end of chapter1 or the start of chapter2 and use that save if you want to replay from chapter2- there is no reason to play chapter1 more than once if you got all the stats from it and the prologue. choices between guys start in chapter2.

if you download the game again or merge a new chapter into the previous ones, your saves are kept in another locations on your computer, so you should be able to use them.

I've played chapter 1 for free as a trial and I want to purchase the other chapters, but I'm unable to, because the only options to pay are via Paypal or creditcard. I don't have those. I've tried to open a Paypal account, but my bankcardnumber has a letter in it and that is not accepted by Paypal. I can pay via Ideal or V pay, but those options are not available. I.e. I live in Europe. I'm sure many others encounter this obstacle. Please make European means of purchase possible.

hi, i checked it a little and i dont see other payment options in itch or patreon, but i found out there should be an option on paypal to add money into your account using Ideal. open a paypal account and dont link it to a cradit card. In your account you should have an option to add money to it's balance directly from your bank account or using Ideal. i hope this will help.

Thank you very much. I've followed your advice and was able to open a Paypal account. I'm now able to purchase the other chapters. Thanks again! You were very quick and helpful with your response.

happy to hear :) if you encounter any problems while playing, consider joining the ergi's discord server and ask there for faster answers

(1 edit)

I'm really enjoying this game! I'm having an issue with side quests though. For Finer Things in Life and Old World Tour, I collected all the materials but when I go to meet Ralf and Erlund they don't show up. I did Tyr's side quest and it worked fine. If it matters, the main quest I'm on right now is Build Electric Fences #5.

Other than that it's great! I'm invested and am excited to see where it goes.

edit: I'm also wondering what automated harvesting does? I can't find a description and cant notice any differences when I buy it?

hi, in chapter1 in some missions, the mission description shows that you have the item if in some point after receiving the mission you have it in your bag, and it is not changed if you use it for something else. for each of these side missions, check if you really have all the needed items- maybe you already used the beer for example and need to buy another1.

automated harvesting lets you harvest everything from the farm house. this option is available after it's research if you do it befor harvesting anything the same day.

you should join the discord server to ask questions there, its faster :P

Thank you! That's exactly what it was with the side missions. Now that I've spent some more time playing i'm getting the hang of the game's rhythm. Easy to see how much work is being put into it, really cool stuff!

have somebody can be my teacher?ch3 so hard!!my email is,thank u so much!

join the game's server on discord, the link is above the download section on this page. it will be easy to help you there 


how to do this job?【jotunheim institute】where is memories post?

and[regrets]now i have 6gost,old word 5gost all have,the 3 goste in where??

after finding all the memories in the old world (britt returns to alfheimr after he finds them), you need to look for memories in the bunker that is under the laboratory area. i think that 2 of the memories are there.

when we find the last memory, britt says that we should find his remains, do you know where are the remains please? im stuck

hi, its easy to miss messages on itch...

in case that you didnt find it yet- alf's remains are in the old world where you found the pile of cloths.


Are there any plans to make a more casual version of the game? One that only focuses on the story and skips the combat elements?

I am absolutely loving the intricate world being built in this game, with rich back story that only deepens with each chapter as we learn more about what happened to the world prior to the events of the story, and what is yet to come for these characters. I would love to be able to see where it all ends up, but even following all the guidebooks and instructions when it comes to builds, I am finding the combat punishingly crushing.

But it appears Chapter 4 is where my journey ends because I'm struggling with some of the plot-necessary combat encounters (not even at the final boss yet) and I'm starting to get very frustrated. 

So as much as I would love to continue supporting this game, I'm going to have to sit it out unless there's ever any plans to make a story-only mode. Since it's the dialogue choices that dictate how the story and the relationships unfold, I feel this could be a possibility. So just thought I'd throw that idea out there.

(3 edits)

Hi, chapter4 is a hard chapter (both the combats and the timelimit mechanism), but join the discord server and ask there for help, they will get you past the point where you got stuck. My guess is that you just didnt figure out how to get combos in combat, or didnt recruit some fighters that are essential to your build, so just write in the discord chapter4's channel and it should get solved.


I have all the recruits I need for each specific builds (I have a separate save path for each LI, and I tried the different combat builds for the first few of these I did). The only build I'm able to make any progress on is Seidr. The other two are massively challenging, as resource management becomes critical while trying to level up the two skill trees while also making sure I don't fail the main quest of food supplies. And even with sufficient points in the individual trees, some combat encounters are beyond frustrating. My allies have the gear and/or resources they need and I follow the recommended combos, but still the enemies regenerate hate at an unsustainable level or cripple my fighters to the point of useless. If there's something I did wrong in my builds, even after following guides and recommendations on Discord, the fact remains that combat is crushing, hence my original comment advocating for the super casual gamer.
For now, I'll just retrace my steps for the LIs that are not on a Seidr build to re-do them as such since the struggle is way too much for me on the other two builds.

I'm kind a frustrated with chapter 3. I cannot enter the password for Seidr anywhere although I got the AI and have created lots of Jotun Genomes. How can I solve this?

(1 edit) (+1)

when you are in the bunker, go down the stairs -> sector halls ->  deep sector2. then in the location deep sector launcher there are stairs in the back. there you put the password.

if you mean after that in the seidr room, you need to go to the colonies in the bunker, and then to the settlement. after that you just need to have genome in your bag.

consider joining the discord server, its faster to get answers there. the link is above the download section.

Hi, I'm really having trouble finding the key to the boat, there's nothing clickable is that normal?

you need to solve the puzzle in the warehouse. look at all the clues in there and enter the right password into the computer. it starts with 4 letters and then 5 numbers

i got frustrated by this one, i think i got a lucky guess based on your clue, i can continue chapter 2 now

(2 edits)

The fight system kills's my 22nd attempt I still can't beat this wolf. 

I have a question. Why did the den mother at the beginning of chapter 2 go from 500 to 750 hp? Is it normal? How is it that it was already so hard to beat her with 500, and now I get 750hp with no apparent solution to beat her...

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Okay... I killed the beast but that's only by sparing the Den Mother's child. It however doesn't make it any better that It's so hard to indicate I had to play the whole chapter 2 again....very complicated.

I love the game however. It's fun.. People say that they would just go watch p/h instead because of how long the sex scenes take but I think it's a bit more than that. I really like it despite the problems I ran into.

yeah, it takes some time for the relationships to develop into romance in this game, and the crafting and fighting does make it harder than in pure visual novels, but i think that it has it's charm (the development of the relationships seems more real, and you feel like you earned it after doing all the hard work :P)


omg I fixed it a while ago and finished it I'm so happy. I would give constructive criticism on how the game is more laborious than it needs to but I love the game! I'm on my way to download chapter 3

for the fight against the den mother you are told that you need chemical and solvent to hide your smell and kill the pup that guard her before she notices you. if you dont have it in your bag (for example used it to craft ammo), the fight will become much harder.

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Okay, I like this game let me say that, but the grind and the combat system are just not great. It isn't clear what medkits do. (they seem to do nothing) Fighting in rotation is terrible it isn't a fight its a puzzle at that point. If I didn't glitch out my fitness stat to get over +200 to beat chapter two that way MC and Borge can hit for 50+. (A fun bug btw) and I am still getting my butt handed to me to things it just leaves me fustrated and confused. I get using the various potion buffs but that didn't seem to help at all. Just chapter 3 boss just goes you dead okay awesome have a great time how to fix it. Really don't know how to help you there. I will premise yes I did max out what I could in Siedr which was suppose to be easy mode.... Don't know how it is, but sure. 


Hi, the fights are not that hard after figuring out an attack order that works for you. the most important thing is to notice when the monster is dealing it's big damage, which is every 2 or every 3 attacks, and to use your defender before it to block. other than that you need to have rations or else you wont be able to block. 

the boss of chapter3 can kill you instantly only if you dont have a way to reduce it's rage, with seidr build i think its the asbru3, using the asbru invocation in the fight and enthralling the pup. using the potent huldra potion also helps with making hard fights easier. 

if you encounter something that you find too hard in the game, join the discord server and ask there, you will most likely find out that you made some kind of mistake, such as forgetting to have a resource or doing something beforehand.

(2 edits)

I get what your are saying, but it isn't intuitive, it is easy to go yeah this is simple when you do A to B because you have done it, but as someone coming into the game it just isn't. Just in a QA stand point it needs to be clearer what things do. Description of what med kits do how to use abilities. What are the number that are displayed doing? Explain that every person needs to be used or better yet if a person cannot be used grey out the portrait instead of guess by pressing. Maybe make a turn count to see when player can be used again under the portrait. Indicators are good to help understand the game. I see visual going off on a lot of things but it isn't clear which each do. What attacks take supplies and which ones take from energy. Like you need to be mindful of rations and your energy, but that should be explained. How much is taken from each. You say stock up do the things you'll be fine. Problem being hey I didn't do the thing, I need to do the whole chapter again cause I done fucked up. I get time management, but maybe in description of quest. Maybe I should be stocking up on med kits or least give a good goal to hit to survive. This is just coming from over 15 years of QA experience. The idea of the game is great I am just stating how people will be feeling frustrated. I have found a few bugs on my end that are pretty interesting. I don't mind sharing them to help this be a better product.  Like I said I popped all 3 potions problem I had was this guy does every other attack you need to block, but my defender would not be up for every third attack. So I just take the hit. Maybe I am doing it wrong but these things would help. Maybe I was short on med-kits like 3 and I had 57 rations. 

i am sorry that you encountered such difficulties :S

you gave some good points for improvement, and i will pass them to consider for future chapters. i am not sure how many of them can be done on chapters 2 and 3 since changes in previous chapters tend to cause new bugs. from chapter 4 a preparing for combat screen is added which let you choose if you want to use potions and war supplies in the combat.

a short guide was posted on discord with basic explanations on chapter2 new features when it just came out, i see that it is not available here with the chapter itself so i will ask to add it.

in the game itself, in chapter2 anders conversations explain about the combat system. i agree that its easy to pass on, that is why there is section on combat in the short guide. i think that since you encountered a fitness bug you had the first battles too easy and missed the oportunity to figure out a strategy by yourself in the trainings. stuff like the number of medkits for the boss of chapter3 is just something players thought about on their own. you may not really need that much medkits, but its a general recommendation to players who find this battle hard since it covers most/all the fight rounds.

please consider joining the discord since its easier to have a conversation there, and you can write your suggestions or about bugs you encountered in the related  channels.

I had everything i needed for Jostein's side story but i couldnt meet him in the stables for some reason

which mission and chapter? also, from chapter2 onward you cant complete missions on the same day you receive them, or if you already had a conversation with the same captain that day.

It was chapter 1 and it was the first mission from Jostein

do you have the medkit, ammo and wild game in your bag? you meet him in the stables, i think that by clicking on the location where you gather compost

Deleted 204 days ago

chapter6 is currently only on patreon. questions about it should be asked in the discord server, in the channels that are visible for patreon backers. 

please join the discord server, connect your patreon account with your discord account and ask it there.


Five for the chapter and then five for the guide? Sounds a bit overly greedy.

(1 edit)

Hi, these extended guides are not necessary for playing the chapters- they are more of a walkthrough and sometimes have some hints about future chapters.

They were originally meant only for high tier patreon backers, and were added here only because players asked for an option to buy them separately.

if you back the game on patreon as a Vanir tier (25$) you will get access to all the current chapters and to the extended guides.

Im at the big meeting in chapter 4 and this keeps popping up when picking a specific dialog, and picking any other leads to game over. Did I install something wrong?

Hi, in which conversation did this happen? the one in which you are trying to convince the people to join forces again? which choice gave you this error?

If possible, can you join the game's discord server and post it in the bugs channel there too? it will be easier to communicate there.

The new patch for chapter4 should fix this. please redownload and merge again.

I have already bought chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

Where is Chapter 5? I can't find it on Patreon.

chapter5 will be available soon on itch, i think in about 2 days.

I wanted to buy the chapter 1 game but I accidentally bought the guide instead... Is there any way I could get a refund?

Deleted 214 days ago
(1 edit)

plz contact itch's customer service about that.

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