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(2 edits)

Pode me ajudar estou preso nas missões

MONTES DE ENTERRO não sei onde é 

LUA DE SANGUE não sei onde é 

JUSTIÇA eu não consigo vencer o vilão

 Can you help me I'm stuck in the missions

BURIAL MOUNDS I don't know where it 

BLOOD MOON I don't know where it 

JUSTICE I can't beat the villainisis 

you dont need to do anything for the blood moon mission- it is a reminder in this chapter.

for the burial mounds you need to help all the 3 spirits- one's missions start in the deep woods, another's missions start in the barn, and the last's start in the bunker. you should finish this mission in 3 days maximum so that you wont miss anything else in this chapter.

leave the justice mission to after you finish the missions of the other 2 spirits.

I press the barn nothing happens it goes outside the farm where there are the snake and the boar

next to the boar there is a small bench. press on it

Thank you for always responding, I can't do the garage man and the stable man missions, I get the items but they are never there and the mission is not completed 

what is the name of the missions? also, it will be easier to ask questions in the discord server.

Will it be available on Android in the future?

it may, but its unlikely to be before all the 9 chapters are completed

(1 edit)

I bought episode 4 PC but the game download is too slow

the download speed is usually good, so maybe its just a temporary issue or something with itch. try to restart the computer/make sure you have enough space/try downloading with a different browser. I just tried to download it, it took less than 1 min

I'm having an issue finding a way to purchase chapter 1 (on mac if that makes a difference). There's a link further up but as far as I can tell, it's only for the chapter 1 guide. The demo/prologue has completely sold me on this game, so I'd really like to continue playing it!

So I just found it! Turns out I don't know how to read (whoops)

Love it and I had a similar problem until I figured it out!

I am having the hardest time evern with the ch 2 guid to beat the den mother in the deep woods. Could you help me or provide a game play. I have the med kit and the rations and ammo and all of that but I do not know how to kill it before it kills me... S.O.S. need help :")

hi :) did you complete the expedition mission before getting exiled? also, the important thing in this fight is to block the big hits (should be every 3rd wolf attack).

I didn't have 15 rations before getting exiled and my stength was only at 55 so I had 1 of the 3 :'), and there were still 3 side missions.. which I hate that I missed... i am going to go back through and play them, but I just need to know that I can beat this wolf lady haha Thank you for the pointer!

yea, its better to finish the main mission and as many side missions as possible in the 15 days :) in each fight check what is the pattern of the attacks and block the big ones. it will be every second or every third attack.

I hate to bother again, but now i am in chapter 3 once the wolfs breaks through the gates towards the end.. I used those prior suggestions and they do help, but I am stuck again. Was there something that I was supposed to do to turn it on easy mode so its health isnt at 700? aslo I am able to sway the pup to fight with me. Is the pup better than the other guy with a guy? Thank you! Love the game!

where did you use your bones? if you can get the pup it means that you have at least huldra3. make sure that you have all the 3 potions for the fight, and that you have more than 10 medkits. the guy with the gun is useful only if you have the skill firearm3

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how set game full cha6ter 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 full game tell me in meaggeser 

hi. you need to copy all the files from the chapter2 folder into the chapter1 folder. then start the game and see that the version in the starting manu is the chapter2 version. then do the same with chapter3- copy all the files from chapter3 folder into the comined folder that you have of chapters 1 and 2. 

its a little hard to guide in the comments- if you join the discord server it will be easier and faster to help you there

you are sure will work it  

(1 edit)

yes, it is not complicated. but if you have difficulties, join the discord server and ask there too

but l must buy game alll game

you can start by buying only the first chapter. when you finish it (and like it) you can buy just the second chapter, merge it into the first chapter and continue playing. you dont need to buy all the chapters from the start.

Travei nos códigos de CMO, CSO, CTO. Depois de matar a planta. Não achei os números.

hi, dont you have 6 CPUs in your bag?

sim, eu tenho, mas não consigo ver os números.

cmo 1003- , cso 9658+ ,  cto 7424-


Tem mais códigos.


pode passar? 

Por que não consigo ver os números?

you should be able to see the numbers if you hover your mouse over them. cno 1511- , clo 0049+ , coo 3738+


I've only played this game for 6 hours and it already has kept me up at night dissecting how incredibly exceptional it is in presenting and exploring gender roles.

That 6 hours of gameplay has me discovered something about my own gender and sexuality. Britt's sensuality is probably the best and most beautiful portrayal of femininity I have ever seen.

That 6 hours of gameplay has "gotten me off" more times than I can count... on  pictures  of non-penetrative intercourse. I have never spiritually connected like this with a game a ever before.

That 6 hours of gameplay has made me introspect both on the complexities of the impacts of modernity in both a social developmental and individual level.

That 6 hours of gameplay has given me enough content to make an 8-page essay or maybe a 40 minute video exploring the ethos of this game.

This game is not perfect. Some visual, UI, and game design stuff could be polished more, but it's understandable since it's not in full release yet. The crafting game, I normally do not enjoy, but it plays such an important element on the primal (dare I say feral) narrative of this game. I cannot help but simply indulge in the hunter-gatherer mindset.

I might have clocked in over 800 hours on BG3 already, but this game is the most thought-provoking, gender-provocative, ferally sensual, and simply the most impactful game I have ever played in my life.

it's great that you enjoy the game :) as the chapters progress, more mechanics are added to the game, so the amount of crafting is not as extensive after chapter 1. If you get stuck or just want to talk about the game, you should join the discord server too ;) 

Speaking off, by any chance do you know how to defeat the Ancient Wolf with Rampage in the Blood Moon Quest of Chapter 3?

I've been through all sorts of forums and I've done everything right but it still get OHKO with Rampage even if I got full health. Got all the quests, serums, ammo, medkits, and bones right. I've tried using both Manning and the Pup but it still doesn't work. I do the 4 attack internal technique to Defend against strong attack. I've also tried using Defend on the weak attack and just soaking the strong attack.

I've been obsessed with the game for the past two days, I'm thinking about it even during family lunch and now i'm stuck. :-(


Never mind lol saw it on Discord. I might have misinterpreted the Defend thing on 4th attack. I was blocking ALL major attacks so that might've been why the big pup got pissed easily and rampaged. I actually had to soak some major attacks sometimes in order to keep it from getting pissed off.

Thank you tho!

Alguém poderia me ajudar a encontrar o Ralf , não consigo entrar ele em lugar nenhum???

Como faço para aumentar a manutenção do Upkeep Raids??

there are no more ways for reducing the "upkeep raids". you need to work on reducing the "upkeep" by fighting/ supporting fights/ missions, and gather food each day. you need to finish all the missions and conversations and end the chapter before the upkeep gets too high and you lose.

Como sobreviver a primeira missão, to cansado de morrer, me ajuda 🙏😭🙏

be sure to complete jorgen's mission to fight in the fields, jostein's mission to fight a wolf, henrik's mission to fight in the deep caverns and tyr's mission to fight in the depot as fast as you can (the best is by the second day in alfheimr). other than that, each day fight in the depot and the fields or give the needed items to help them. also, every day get all the food from the fields and the barn. 


Alguém sabe onde fazer o CPU key ??

you get 2 keys from ralf after you finish his first mission. make sure to have space in your bag before talking to him or else you wont get the keys.

Eu já coloquei 2 deles só não estou conseguindo encontrar o 3 ele está na floresta profunda na parte do esqueleto???

one is starting in the deep forest, one is starting in the barn and one starting in the laboratory

Como faço para treinar com a Val ??

you need to finish the mission to put the 3 spirits to rest before you can train

Alguém sabe esses códigos ???


you need to find 3 cpus before this building. each cpu has a code on it

 depois de encontrar com o lobo gigante no início da expedição do capítulo 2 , assim que terminei a 1 missão , o quadro de missões ficou vazio como você pode ver e não consegui  passar dai


you need to find enough vines to make a rope and then check the screens for hidden areas

Alguém me ajuda,Como faço para completar a expedição ???

Hi, in which chapter and where are you stuck? also, it may be better to ask in the discord server

I just need help with the password for chapter two 😭

(1 edit)

its noah14185. you should join the discord server to ask questions about the chapters there


Hey pls help me in chapter 2 i cant find the burial mounds..  where can i find that ?

hi, the burial mounds are in chapter3 not chapter2. one starts in the deep forest, one in the barn, and one in the laboratory.

it will be easier for you to ask questions in the discord server, the link is right below the patreon link.

I got an android version because I don't have a computer, but the capter 2 doesnt exist in this version 😭 it jump to 1 to 3 and im weak and i cant defeat the animals to came in the burial mounds

The game wont run if its missing chapters. try to merge all your chapters again. if you dont have chapter4 merged then its possible that you encountered a bug that let you continue to chapter3 after dying in chapter2 instead of ending your game. just replay from the end of chapter1 and make sure not to die.

I die eveytime cause i dont know how to defeat the animals, im weak and i dont know what to do to get stronger

you need to return to chapter1's ending and play chapter2. there is no android version for the game, if you are trying to run it on android it may have bugs.

Played chapter 1 and it is great. Thinking to buy Chap2 now.. but a part of me wondering if the Chap1 guide is worth USD 5 and will it help me to get all the walkthrough to get my Guy? 

Should I actually buy the guide, to fully complete chap 1 before buying chap2? (I am a bit perfectionist here) but all those harvesting and crafting make me don't want to replay the game so many time just to waste time and still can't get my guy. 

happy that you enjoyed chapter1 :) the walkthrough will give you information about the possible stats and choices in the chapter. if you join the discord server you can also ask there for guidence from the other players. i think that i played chapter1 about 4 times- other than for getting the max amount of stats, when replaying the chapter i also noticed story information that i didnt understand in my first run.  

you should also consider to become a backer on patreon with the Vanir tier (25$) which will let you download all the current chapters and give you access to their walkthrough guides.

When will this come to Android?

hi, currently there is no estimated time for an android version

Hi i wonder why are here no porn but you can see nudes and love interests i mean when i would meet someone over time i would definitly have sex with him ( sorry for my bad english)

(1 edit)

hi :P it take some time in the game before you see any1 have full sex there (first time is in chapter2 between 2 of the other characters). you can choose some1 to start a relationship with in chapter3, and it keeps evolving from there. nudity is a natural thing there, so there is alot of that in the game.

can you tell me the Name of the two Charakter 

henrik and ralf have a small scene in chapter2

heyy Hii, some of the quest are hard to do it actually, does someone know if there is any guide to help me through ? , i am french and i do understand everything but some quest seem so hard for me to make it, i am still lost at the beginning to collect wood and some stuff 

(2 edits)

hi :) there are the more extended guides for each chapter that you can buy separatly from the game, but if its just not being sure how to complete a mission or needing some guiding, it is better to join the discord server (there is a link above) and ask there- other players will be happy to help you. you can ask there about each of the chapters :)


heyy, thanks you so much for responding yes i will look for discord now and see more tyy 

(1 edit)

Hello, I lost chapters 1 to 4 after a bad move. I retrieved chapters 1, 3 and 4 from my Itch library, but not chapter 2, which does not appear. Kire on Discord advises me to contact you to see if you can help me get it back without buying it again...

Thank you for your help !

(1 edit)

since you are a patreon backer, plz send him DM on patreon


I lost my connection to Discord, and I can't find the link anywhere to reconnect. Is this service closed?

it is right under the patreon link. in some browsers it doesnt load by itself.


Thank you and congrats for this excellent game.


Excellent game - congratulations! I really so far like the plot, the characters and the graphics are awesome. Please keep going - I'm really looking forward to new releases of more content.

I'd gladly pay an extra $5 or something to have a "god mode" unlocked with max affinities and no mats required. The story is great and all, but I really don't want to replay earlier chapters to romance all the men.

(2 edits)

hi :) you dont need to replay chapter1 if you have a good save right before it's end since there are no choices to make between guys there. after chapter1 the required amount of crafting is reduced. chapter2 starts the split, so for most of the guys you will need to make seperate saves from the chapter's second part. atm something like god mode is not intended, maybe it will be considered after all the 9 chapters are finished and released.

I have a question if buy chapter 4 will it give me access to chapter 2 and 3 ?


hi :) every chapter is being sold separately. you need to already own the previous chapters before adding a new one.

okay thanks you I'm considering buying your game. because the graphics and the story looks amazing

How to complete the electric fence mission?

you should have all the info in the main mission tab. in which part of the mission are you?

in the first part you just need to meet with tyr after get 3 food and craft a conscript pack

in the second part you need to craft apprentice pack and captain pack, but for that you need first to run with tyr so that you will be allowed to enter closed locations.

in the third part you need to get 5 scraps and 4 wood as fast as you can

in the fourth part you need to craft 1 lumber and 1 steel, and talk to jorgen to get machinery

in the final part you need to make a construct, research and power and to get to the townhall to craft the electric fence itself

Deleted 1 year ago

atm chapter 4 is only on patreon. next month (october) chapter5 should be released on patreon and chapter4 will be sold on itch

Hi, I am loving this game! I recently purchased Chapter 2 but haven't been able to open it. I tried following your instructions but nothing. I was wondering where I could go to get some help. Thanks.

hi :) if you join the discord server it will be easier to help you there.

the easiest way (which usually works) is to put your chapter1 (0.1.87 version) folder near your chapter2 (2.08) folder, then open your chapter2 folder and drag all the files from there into the chapter1 folder, and press to "replace the files in the destination". usually the problem happens when players copy from the chapter1 folder into the chapter2 folder by mistake instead of from chapter2 into chapter1. 

tell me if you still have a problem

Hey! Figured it out! Thanks for your help. I know what I'm doing the rest of the evening!

happy to hear :P if you encounter any difficulties in the playthrough, players will be happy to help you (and faster) in the discord server

(1 edit)

Hi, amazing game. Congratulations, I really like sci-fi themes and I have to say you nailed this! for real, without the porn, I can imagine this being a movie/book... incredible done, honestly. I have to say too, that I find a little bit difficult, like, some tasks, and some I find monotonous, but in general is really amazing, the history line dazzle us!

p.s the appearance masculine and feminine means that we are going to tops or bottoms? I don't get it exactly... thank you! kisses from Brazil!

its great that you loved the game :) the crafting is a bit extensive in the first chapter since its the first game mechanism that was presented in the game, and the amount is reduced in later chapters. same with combat in the second chapter. so the game is less repetitive as you advance with the chapters (and the story keeps getting better :P). 

so far, the masculine and feminine traits were mainly for helping you get the relationship points which are needed to establish relationships with the guys. topping and bottoming will (most likely) have to do with the guys' personal preferences, worldview, and the influence of your choices.

wanted to confirm before I did anything. Does each chapter need to be purchased separately?

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yes, and you combine a new chapter with the previous ones so that everything is in the same folder like shown in the Ch2 installation guide. Each chapter contains a big amount of content and can be seen as a separate arc in the story- the prologue gives you just a glimpse.

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Hello, i wanted to know what's the best place to discuss about the assets used in the game, ralf seem to use many clothing assets made for a G7 char, but the face and skin look more G8.

i am not sure, but maybe join the discord server and try to ask there

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Hi can anyone help me, I can't seem get the final Cg in Chpt 2 of Jorgen and Jostein, but I managed to get Ander's.  What am I doing wrong?

you need to hug them on the boat and have a minimum of 40 affection with them

Ah I see! I managed to get Jorgen's but still can't get Jostein's even with 40 affection and hugging...

amm its possible that you need to talk to jostein in the second campfire for that. after hugging him on the boat you need to have the option to talk to him about being his apprentice 

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