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Omg, very interesting the change of scenario in Chapter 4 (well, maybe it happens at Chapter 3, but i don't play it yet!). So, I have some questions about Chapter 2, but I can't find the Discord server of the game. Is it exclusive for patreon-users or is it because I'm a dork? Haha

Anyway, addressing now my game questions... How can I unlock the final 3-4 pictures of each character? Is it related with the poles and stones of the cave? If not, is there some kind of mechanism to unlock something? I already read the clues in the poles, but maybe I'm missing something because I cannot discover which is the pattern...

Sorry for all these questions but, on the top of that, congratulations for this game! The plot and the setting is very unique and immersive! My most sincere applause!

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the poles and stones in the wilderness are not connected to any cg, it is just a small puzzle. the discord server is open for everyone, the link to it is between the link to the patreon page and the download link. you should ask questions about the gameplay there :)

Wow, I see! The widget doesn't work with Firefox browser. That's weird...

Thanks for answering so quickly! Guess I'm missing something even more important then... :')

np :P chapter2 got extra scenes near its end for anders, jorgen, jostain, erland and henrik that need certain amounts of relationship points with them to trigger. if you need, ask for help in the spoiler channel for chapter2 in the discord server (or search for it in the history there).

I like where this is heading +follower keep it up, when it is complete I will buy :)

Does anyone know if there is an android version of this game?

the game has only pc, mac and linux versions atm

(1 edit) (+1)

So I am getting very frustrated. I made the Treated water to give to Tyr at the Depot and I can never trigger the event to give it to him. Is the raid on the depot always going to occur or is it preventable by getting the water to him. I have managed to complete every other side quest but this one and there do not appear to be any more cut scenes at any location. I simply avoided the fight at 'Delivery' and got to the end of the 15 days but I'd still like to know how to complete that side quest.


the fight in the delivery is the completion of this quest. join the discord server, people are answering there really fast to questions

Hi I'm probably doing something wrong but I've tried three times to play chapter two but is gives me a notepad error message. I still have my 1.8.6 saves and I put them in the same folder as 2.09 (I even went in and manually copied the saves from 1.8.6 to the 2.09 files but it's still not working)

Hi there, please post your installation issues on discord installation channel and screenshot your error message. We'll try to help you there.

I prefer not to join discords outside of my friends'

Discord is where you will find technical support. If you want help with your problem quickly, you're gonna need to join it.

(3 edits)

in case that you didnt solve it yet- you are supposed to copy all the files from the 2.09 into the 1.8.6, not the other way. your saves are in another place completly, you will have them even if you download the chapters 1 and 2 again. also, people on discord cant know the servers that you are in unless they are in the same servers.

I will try that out thank you! I seriously appreciate this.


Is it gonna be available on Android? 


Wish there were android version

It looks beautiful and the story is interesting. Juts a bit too much of a grinder to collect all the ingredients.

the amount of crafting is much lower in the next chapters

I totally agree so I stopped playing. Ridiculous amount of grind. Stopped being fun and became a chore.

Heyy so I finished chapter one and it says Chapter two Jormungander and then boots me to the menu. I've tried a bunch of ways to play chapter two but it won't let me and I've paid for the game so I'm kinda confused as to what I should do to play chapter two 


chapter 2 is only for patreon backers atm


Ope mb thank you

How do you actually drink the potent huldra potions? I made a couple but I can't figure out how to use them.

(1 edit) (+1)

it is used for missions, you cant drink it

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi. I have been loving your game played through it three times already. Just wanted to ask since most of the characters are attracted to "feminine" qualities. Is it still possible to attract them and have a love path with them while being on more of the "masculine" side? If this is a yes, can you confirm my speculation that being more "feminine" in the game would have an advantage?

since this is a point game (i think) you probably can but i dont think that they'd show much interest in you. there might be a system where you need certain points in order to unlock a cg/scene and you'd probably miss alot of them or miss a unique dialogue/extra scene. . take this with a grain of salt im just making assumptions here.


it should be possible

Deleted 2 years ago

A small suggestion about the fast travel map.

Maybe it would be better to replace the location icons with ones that would be easier to remember and associate with a particular place? The pieces of location screenshots themselves are more like a puzzle and look a bit unclear. If you put schematic drawings hinting at the essence of the location instead of cut out fragments, I suppose it would be more aesthetically pleasing and understandable.

For example, cornucopia or ears of wheat for farms, screwdriver and hammer for the workshop, flask, magnifying glass, microscope, and other items that would be easy to associate with a particular location. Again, this is just an aesthetic suggestion.

Excellent work and extraordinary speed.


Hi, this is a great game. I love the environment and the story and the characters and the bike use really does make it easier to get where you want to go so it is very much appreciated. Also the character models are stunning I really like Jostein physically, but it puts me off that he is already in love with someone else, and... I also met Tyr, who stole my heart!

I don't know if it has been asked before and you don't need to say any spoilers but, will we be able to engage in a monogamous relationship with the guy we choose? I as I understand it from the lore, the setting makes it mandatory for a woman to be part of your relationship, but I prefer having my guys only for myself without any boobs distracting them hahaha. I am so greedy!

There are three relationship endings per character - old world, new world and deviant. You can speculate what that means with the guys at the lore channel since I shouldn't be giving out spoilers :)


Played the chapter 2 via the Patreon and I have to say it was amazing. I encourage anyone who can to support on Patreon not only to support the dev, but so you can play this masterpiece ASAP. I cannot wait to see what comes next.


Jesus Christ holy shit


Wow! This has been amazing. I was wondering, what did you use to make the character and environment models in? I haven't seen ones this good in ages, it feels.


Hi there! Me and my team use a few rendering engines for the scenes, but it's mostly post rendering work to makes it look pretty :)


Amazing amazing amazing game. I cannot praise it enough. Please do yourself a favor and purchase it/join the patreon. Each chapter introduces hours worth of new content. Please support this amazing developer.


wow Chapter 2 is so dope 🤩🤩🤩🤩

how about you guys … was it worth the waiting for the public release of Ch1 ?

@those who played it for  first time ... whats your favourit Character?

❤️Tyr ❤️Jorgen ❤️Jostein ❤️Erland

#❤️kkcharPATREON —> so worth it !


Love them all but Erland and Jostein >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Is there a guide for chapter 1?


You can join our discord group, the players there will help you!

hi I currently own chapter 2 and was wondering if I can get a discord link or something I’m stuck on a chapter 2 puzzle


I would like to translate the game into Spanish, how can I help?


Hi there! I will do an official translated and Android version after the whole game is complete. This is to avoid duplication and slowing down of the development progress. Do add me on Discord or join the Ergi Discord community. When the game is ready for translation and other development work, I will let you know.


How/where do I download v I currently have


Hi there, there is a pinned post on Patreon for the dowload. PM me there if you have problems finding it.


This game is amazing. I love how it plays like a RPG. Can't wait for the combat update. Any idea of when that will be released on your Patreon?


hi there, thanks for the support. We hope to release it  within a week or two.


Awesome, I'm definitely going to be joining your Patreon. TY!!!!

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi there, thanks for the support. I'll work on that once the main game is completed!


Hello Game Dev!

A) I just wanted to support you on Patreon on a yearly basis (with a little discount 7-15%) can you offer me that?

B) I totally support an Android port for the future.

Thank you and continue the great work!

and the game will be distributed only on the cartridge? Is it impossible to get other versions of the game for free in a month like other authors?


Hi there, sorry for delayed reply. Chapter 1 will be released to the Public at an affordable price shortly. Unfortunately, this game is complex and expensive to produce. I will not be able to continue production if there are insufficient funds to cover costs.


I am so very excited for the next chapter. Happy to be a patreon to help support this promising project.

will there be an android version soon?


Hi there, we will try to make the game more accessible to other platforms and languages after the base game development is completed. We don't have a timeline for it yet.

I thought I bought the game here on but it ends right after they get to the town and the boys lock themselves in.  Is this only the Demo?  Do I have to do Patreon to get the actual game?


Hi there, thanks for the support. Currently, only the prologue is available on Itch.  Chapter 1 is currently only released on Patreon.

Hello,KKChar,I translated the demo version into Chinese, and add a button, you can change  the language. I also pack it to Android.

If you need it. I can give you the link. but I change some fonts.


Thanks! Can you private message me?

Deleted 137 days ago
Deleted 137 days ago

Sorry to bother you, I would like to ask if I can get a copy of the Chinese translation, this is my email address

Hi there, can you private message me on discord?

Hello, can I also want a Chinese links? I don't know how to contact you, email or other? Thank you very much!!

hiya, you can private message me on discord

(1 edit)

So how long till Android will get a version you think?

Hi there, there are no planned developments and dates for Android yet. 

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That sucks I was hoping to try the game and maybe join the patreon if I liked it

Hi there, thanks for interest. We will include Android and possibly translations in our future developments when the game is stable and completed. Right now, our priority is to get enough resources to complete the base game. 

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Amazing game! However, I have finished all the main and side quests,  the images of Jostein (image16 of 17) and  Erland (image 1 of 10) are still locked.  I just wanna know if there's a bug, or did I miss something?

Cant wait for the next update!


Thanks for the support! Erland is a bug and will be fixed in the next patch. Jostein 16 isn't a bug, it's just hard :)

I replayed the Jostein quests, and this time Jostein 16 triggered. But I still dont know why. Does it relate to the bountiful harvest? Cuz I cant tell any difference than the first time except bountiful harvest. 

BTW, the gut, social and passionate choices will impact chapter 1 ending, it means that there are more than 1 ending of the chapter 1?


Optional CGs are locked by attributes, relationship progress are locked by relationship stats. You can check out the spoiler sections in Discord for the different endings.


I played the demo version and I am absolutely gobsmacked how amazing this piece actually is, not to mention shining future for it. Also, I love how you interpreted Norse mythology into it, but with a twist. 

Is the game already out or?  Cause I would love to purchase/support it, if so, how can I do it?


Hi there! Thanks for your support and kind words:) We are developing the game by episodes, and patrons have early access to it (link above). You can consider joining if you wish to be involved in the development. Otherwise, you can wait to purchase the public release version when it is ready. 


Thnx a lot for answering, I will definetly think about  supporting this Game. 

P.s. = Forgot to say in my upper post, story bit from  the demo and its world&lore that we had glimpse of experiencing is truly best out there, hats down for actually putting time and effort into it.


Why no links to your patreon? It should be super easy to find. It's not in the game or on this page anywhere. 😢


Hiya! The link is above the discord. Let me know if it works? Thanks for the support!


I see a join my patreon group line but I don't see any links to click on. I had to go to patreon and search for you and scroll to find you. 😀

Yeah I posted about this before, the Patreon button doesn't seem to appear on google chrome at least for me I had to open a new browser to see it and join the patreon. Hopefully the dev adds a second link on the post so people can find it easier and support this amazing game!


I've played it though twice now and still couldn't complete the "legal eagle" side quest and just realised it might be because I cant find Jorgen. so just wondering if I can get a bit of help finding him.  Thanks

P.s. love the game cant wait for more.


Hiya, 'Legal Eagle' is a hard quest. You need to collect clues from the 8 districts (there are none in the depot, but two in the Institute). These clues show up in specific locations and order (some show up as the 3rd event, some are the 12-13th event).  Only 1 location event can take place a day, so some will only show up on the 12th or 13th day. My guess is that you might have neglected to explore some areas, or some are locked by other character's side quests. Jorgen's side quest 'vitality' can be initiated in the greenhouse. This quest is optional unless you are interested in romancing Henrik. You can also try asking in Discord, there are more people there to help you out. I won't be checking posts so often now to work on ch2.. :)

is there an estimated finish date to the game?


Hi there, the game is intended to be a series. Each chapter is a standalone story.

nice :) 

how often are new chapters estimated to be released?


Hi there! Production schedule is around 4-6 weeks cycle. It depends on the chapter and if there are bugs.

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Both the visuals are so beautiful, and the dialogues so deep and touching I want to cry.  This is the first game I decided to be a Patreon for!


I'm totally stuck with "soil sample". How do we get that?


you need to finish the side quest that requires you to craft Potent Hulda Essence


Got it! And finished all the side quests now, except for the "9 clues". Wow it took me a whole night, but the rewards were worth it


Thanks for the encouragement! Try asking for help on Discord? There are more people to help you there :) 

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