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where can I find the full genome map to unlock its secrets please

which mission is this?

what is the best task to complete when you get the bones

if its your first run, the seidr skills are supposed to be the easiest. so put all the bones that you have in the seidr skills asbru, vitality, huldra, jotun

where do I find some more of Freya’s bones

To Finnish more of the tasks please 

its for the best not to count on getting more bones other than what you start with in the chapter. in chapter3 there is only 1 bonus bone that you can get and its only after completing the apprentice mission

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When it's available on Android, let me know😍


When mobile version available 🥰❤️

Yes yes when

where do you find Freya’s bones to invoke Valkyrie 

after finishing the burial mounds mission you will receive bones and will be able to get missions from the valkyrie in the deep forest.

Is mobile available thanks 

also I love your work keep going I will always support you ❤️ 🥰


for now there is no android version. it will be considered after all the 9 chapters are released.

When it's available on Android, let me know😍

do you activate the computer in chapter 3 straight away 

which computer? what is the name of the location?

the one that looks like a floating ball I think it’s in the bunker’s thanks for your help 

yes, you find a hint to it's password in the bunker too. you should have a cpu in your bag with the hint. the password is "thor"

what is the blood moon and how do i survive it please

learn one of the 3 needed lvl3 skills, have rations and medkits, and complete missions.

how do I train to level 3

you need to finish the burial mounds mission (you should finish it in up to 3 days) and then you will be able to get missions from the spirits to train your skills. you should focus on one spirit. the seidr (the blue spirit) should be the easier one.

Love the game! 

I have just purchased chapter 2 for mac, but I get a renpytextback error when trying to launch it. Can you help?

you need to merge chapter2 into chapter1. use the finder to show the files inside the chapter1 app and the chapter2 app in 2 seperate windows, and drag all the files from the chapter2 app window into the chapter1 app window while pressing on the option key, then choose to merge the files. 

there are screenshots in the Ergi installation guide.pdf, or you can ask in the ergi discord server if you still have problems with merging.

Hi again

I've tried multiple times, as well as deleting all copies of the game and restarting my playthrough, but when I attempt to merge it reports an error -43 saying one or several elements are missing. :(

Hope you can help.

I like the game alot it is interesting . Only problem i have is that some of the side quest you get seem to not be working . I get everything i need for them but when i go to the locations they say to go nothing happens . Also how do i get all the chapters thanks . 

make sure that you have all the items required for the missions- check in your bag that you have them all and didnt use some of them for another mission/craft already (an example is beer that is used in chapter1 for 2 missions). other than that, from chapter2 onward you cant finish missions in the same day that you got them or if you already had a conversation with the specific captain that day.

you can buy the chapters on itch for 5$ each, or if you become vanir backer (25$) on patreon you can get all the current 7 chapters and their guides, and there are some channels for patreon backers on the discord server.

thanks how do i do the patreon thing Im new to this website. 

Can someone tell me the name of the song used in the opening. I wanna listen to it more often. Is there anyway to find the soundtrack?

I have make a stroger huldra essence in chapter 1, how do i use my items?

you make potent huldra essence in the laboratory. you should be able to buy the needed materials for it in the artisan area and the town market

(1 edit)

where is the bunker please 

it is the location you can get to by taking the elevator that is in the laboratory 

(1 edit)

hey! so far great game!
edit: was able to clear out after revisiting the spots again. 2/3 done. cant seem to get the lasst one (did deep woods and scrap run old world)

iºm a bit stuck at the beginning of chapter 3,

its a bit unclear regarding the burial mounds, ive been to the deep forest, barn and the caves, but the quest still shows that i have 0 out of 3 requirements.
deep wonds really dont have anything more for me to click either.
completed everything expect bloodmoon and the burial mounds.

you must finish the burial mounds mission for the captains to show themselves. it is important to finish it in the first 3 days in this chapter so that you have enough time for all the conversations.

if you finished the old world and deep woods spirits, you are left only with the spirit that is in the bunker.

Hello. Where can I find/make rations? The packing in the depot doesn't have any.

the packs contain rations, you can check on the lower middle part to see how much you get of them

I just finish chapter 1 and i can't wait to play the rest. Very good game

deep sector halls  chapter 3 big floating planet 

What is the code for that please 

you should have in your bag a hint for it. thor

how do i join  Discord


do i merge chapter 3 into chapter 2.09

yes, you merge chapter3 into the folder where you already merged chapter2 into chapter1

thanks again much appreciated 

how many monsters do I kill before it’s cleared please 

in the tunnel 

the tunnels are endless, and the more monsters that you kill there the stronger the next ones will be (in the next day the difficulty level will reset)

do i merge chapter 3 in the same folder as chapter 2 thanks

do i merge chapter 3 in the same folder as chapter 2 thanks

Ergi chapter3  installation instruction

it is the same as with chapter2. you have atm a folder that contains both chapter1 and chapter2 merged. you need to merge chapter3 into this folder too, the same way you merged chapter2 already

Ergi chapter3  installation instruction

how do I install chapter 3 please

Hello, I need the complete Tyr route, I've never got to shower with him... Can someone help me?

you need to already have a flame with him before you go visit home. then you need to make 3 right choices on the way, and then when you are in his home, you need to look at the items and ask questions that are not confusing him.

thanks but , what are those 3 right choices? 


how do you kill the sapling horror what strategy is best 

use the same order as before. make sure that you found a valhalla serum and the ammo before this fight and that you have enough rations. if you see that the next attack is going to kill you, use defend so that you can attack it a little more. 

thanks for the advise but I still can’t defeat it am I doing something wrong 

i think that you can craft medkit or ammo in one of the crafting stations, which will help you kill it. but if you are too weak you may not be able to pass the first battles in chapter3. how much Fitness and Will do you have?

60 fitness and 60 will

hmm.. it is a little low. but make a medkit in the green area and ammo in the circuit room and you should be able to kill it, and hopefully you will be ok next chapter.

after putting the fusion code in the vorpal serpent 

Appears what’s the best strategy for killing it please

this fight is not that different from the wolf fight before it. you mainly need to block the big attack. the order of lacerate->firearms->regroup->tagteam->trueshot->defend should be enough to fight it. make sure that you have enough rations and fight it with full energy.

thanks it worked a treat 

Thank you

is the fusion code four numbers or five 


got the fusion code sounded. Like it worked but still had to fight the snake and died every time any way out of this please 

there is still a fight after putting the right code, but the jotun has less life then when you are not putting the right code

how do you sun up the codes for the fusion

I've tried to merge Chapter 2 in Chapter 1 which I had played before, and version was 0-1-87, not 0-1-86-smth

And it does NOT work. Still when I start new game after merging I found myself in the first part storyline.

What is the problem?

what version is written in the bottom right corner of the starting menu?

as there got to be a code for fusion 

the fusion code is to sum the 3 codes that you have

should there be four codes to open the door. 

entered the codes can’t find the door 

how do you kill the snake in chapter two 

find the 3 cpus and enter their codes to open the door. if you try to hack the system, the snake will get too strong to kill.

what is the password for to get into the system for the boat please 


can all chapters not be in one game 

i think that its too big for itch, and also this is the way the game is being released on patreon too. the merging is not complicated, and after you merge chapters once, the next times will go faster for you.

if you encounter any difficulties with merging the chapters, check the ergi installation guide pdf or join the discord server of the game and ask for help there.

I hope this project was a success. I would love more games from you.

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